Season 3

Sept. 10, 2022

The Inspiration of Scripture

Did the Bible actually come from God? Are the words in red truly Jesus' words? For centuries the Bible has existed. Over time it has been translated to fit a variety of needs. Are all translations accurate or are there false…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Sept. 17, 2022

The Authority of Scripture

Maybe you have heard of the saying "Mans Way versus Gods Way." Which way is actually the way to follow? Can a supernatural being have authority in our lives? Those who follow the Christian faith are told to live by the Bible…
Guest: Jude Bowers
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Sept. 24, 2022

The Two Covenants

Many churches today based their practices off of the statement that they did it in the Old Testament! Is the Old Testament something we are still supposed to live by today or is it just for our example? What is the differenc…
Guest: Adrian Judd
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Oct. 8, 2022

The Nature of Salvation

Is there truly only one way to be saved? Or does the Bible outline multiple ways to be saved? One church may teach that baptism is essential for salvation, while another church may teach that "all you must do is believe and …
Guest: Alex DeGraves
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Oct. 22, 2022

Baptism Sprinkling, and Holy Water

What does the Bible truly mean when it says baptism? Does it mean that you can just be sprinkled? Does it mean that there is something "special" in the water? Or does it mean full emersion into the water? How does baptism af…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Oct. 29, 2022

What Are the Acts of Worship?

Why do we do the things we do in worship? That's something we all ask ourselves at some point. In this episode, Walker Howell, Isaiah Leininger and their guest Caulyn Holbrook discuss, "What are the Acts of Worship?"
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Nov. 5, 2022

What Does the Bible Say About Instrumental Worship?

Does "making a joyful noise" really give us the authority to have instruments in worship? How does the New Testament define worship? How did using instruments in worship really come about? Join Walker, Isaiah, and their gues…
Guest: Zach Barnhart
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Nov. 12, 2022

What Does the Bible Say about The Lords Supper?

The Bible says that we are to remember Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. But how often are we supposed to partake of the ceremonial feast that Jesus instituted right before His death? Does the bible give a clear answ…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Nov. 26, 2022

What Does the Bible Say about Modesty?

Does God really care about what we wear? The world likes to tell us "Dress in whatever way makes you happy," but scripture does not communicate that same message. How we dress reflects who we are. Join Walker, Isaiah, and th…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Dec. 10, 2022

What Does the Bible Say About Tithing

The great dilemma. When that collection plate rolls around on Sunday morning, what am I required to put in that plate? Does scripture actually tell us to give a specific amount or is giving all based from the heart? Join Wal…
Guest: Eric Centers
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Jan. 10, 2023

Sunday or Sabbath?

The Old Testament talks a lot about the Sabbath day. Historically, this day is a day when you are not supposed to do any physical labor. Saturday is often the day that many today honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. However, …
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Jan. 22, 2023

What Does the Bible Says about Demons?

There are movies, TV shows, and books that explore the ideas of demons. We see people get possessed by demons and begin to do things they never would or could have done before. Does this kind of thing really happen? What doe…
Guest: Brady Holaday
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast