Season 6

Jan. 6, 2024

Women's Role in Worship

One of the biggest debates amongst Christians right now surrounds whether or not women are allowed to lead in a public worship service. Many people have differing opinions on this, but what does the Bible say on this topic? …
Guest: Ana Crowell
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Jan. 13, 2024

Womens Role in Marriage and the Family

In God's design for the for the family, there is both a father and a mother. This brings up a question. What are the roles of the mother in this relationship? What are her responsibilities as a Christian wife? Join Walker, I…
Guest: Lacy Crowell
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Jan. 20, 2024

Women's Role in Ministry

Have you ever wondered how women can serve in the ministry of the Lord? According to the Bible, what roles and responsibilities can women have in the Kingdom? Is being the preacher the only way someone can minister to anothe…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Jan. 27, 2024

Women's Role in Mission Work

When you think of a missionary, you probably think of a man going into a foreign country to preach and evangelize to the people there. You don't normally think of women doing that. Is there a role for women in the mission fi…
Guest: Makaley Boyle
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Feb. 3, 2024

Serving God as a Single Christian Woman

Can women only serve the church and the Lord if they are married, or is there a role for single Christian women as well? What can single women, or just Christians in general, do for God while they are not in a relationship? …
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast