Dr. Justin Rogers

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Dr. Justin Rogers is a graduate of both Freed-Hardeman University and Hebrew Union College. He has been an FHU faculty member since 2010, and currently serves as the Dean of the College of Biblical Studies. He also serves as pulpit minister for the Broad Street Church of Christ in Lexington, TN.

Dec. 30, 2023

The Bible and Science

People often say that you can believe the Bible or science but not both. Is that true? Do Christians have to reject science because science says there is no God, or does the evidence actually support the existence of a Heave…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Aug. 20, 2022

"Dealing with Grief" Ft. Dr. Justin Rogers

What happens when we're heartbroken? This world has many tragic happenings every day, and sometimes the weight of grief is too much to bear on our own. In these times of trial, where can we look? Is there anything to be foun…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast