Edison Boggess

Edison Boggess Profile Photo

Junior Bible Major at Freed Hardeman University. From Woodbury Tennessee. Part time preacher at New Hope Church of Christ in Trenton Tennessee.

March 11, 2023

The Deity of Christ

Who was Jesus Christ? Was He a prophet? A teacher? A miracle worker? Or was He something more? Could He truly be the Son of God or was He nothing more than a man? Join Walker, Isaiah, and their guest Edison Boggess as they d…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Oct. 22, 2022

Baptism Sprinkling, and Holy Water

What does the Bible truly mean when it says baptism? Does it mean that you can just be sprinkled? Does it mean that there is something "special" in the water? Or does it mean full emersion into the water? How does baptism af…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast