Sawyer Pierce Reid

Sawyer Pierce Reid Profile Photo

Student and Preacher

I am a 2nd year Freed Hardeman student majoring in Bible and History. I am also a part time preacher at both Kimmins Church of Christ and Beardstown Church of Christ.

March 23, 2024

Worship Intentionally

As Christians, we are called to be people who worship God just like Jesus was while He was on the Earth. This is something that we need to do intentionally. But what does that mean? What does it look like to worship intentio…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
March 18, 2023

Proving the Resurrection

Did Jesus really die and rise again in three days? There are those who believe he did not die. Some believe the resurrection never happened. The resurrection has been debated for decades, but does the evidence in the bible p…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Nov. 12, 2022

What Does the Bible Say about The Lords Supper?

The Bible says that we are to remember Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. But how often are we supposed to partake of the ceremonial feast that Jesus instituted right before His death? Does the bible give a clear answ…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast
Sept. 10, 2022

The Inspiration of Scripture

Did the Bible actually come from God? Are the words in red truly Jesus' words? For centuries the Bible has existed. Over time it has been translated to fit a variety of needs. Are all translations accurate or are there false…
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Through The Eyes of Jesus Podcast